The use of biodiversity islands in agriculture

Sustainable agriculture has become a major concern in the current context of increasing environmental pressures, demographic growth and climate change. Traditional agricultural methods have often resulted in decreased biodiversity, soil degradation, and excessive reliance on chemical inputs. However, an emerging and promising approach is to integrate biodiversity islands into agricultural systems to promote nature conservation and enhance productivity.

But what is a biodiversity island? A biodiversity island is a specifically designed area to promote biological diversity within an agricultural landscape. It is a space dedicated to conserving and regenerating natural ecosystems. Biodiversity islands can take various forms, such as hedges, flower strips, groves, ponds, or wetland areas, such as our water retention basins. As part of our water management initiatives, we aim to use those basins to create a biodiversity Island within our plantation. By establishing an area that remains moist and inviting even during dry spells, we can attract various animal species.


These islands offer numerous advantages, including:

  • Biodiversity conservation: Biodiversity islands provide habitats and ecological corridors for a variety of species and organisms beneficial to soils. They contribute to maintaining and increasing species diversity in agricultural landscapes, thus promoting ecological balance.
  • Pest and disease regulation: The presence of biodiversity islands encourages the presence of natural predators, such as beneficial insects, which help control pest populations. This reduces reliance on chemical pesticides and promotes more environmentally friendly agriculture.
  • Improved pollination: Biodiversity islands provide habitats and resources for pollinators such as bees and butterflies. By increasing the diversity and abundance of pollinators, they promote better crop pollination, leading to increased food production.
  • Soil regeneration: The plants and trees in biodiversity islands play a crucial role in improving soil fertility. Their roots promote the formation of a healthy soil structure, increase water retention, and enhance organic matter. This results in naturally more fertile and resilient soils.
  • Resilience to climate change: Biodiversity islands help mitigate the effects of climate change by acting as carbon sinks. The plants present capture and store atmospheric CO2, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of agriculture.

The use of biodiversity islands in agriculture offers numerous benefits for both the environment and agricultural productivity. By integrating biodiversity elements into agricultural landscapes, it is possible to promote nature conservation while maintaining sustainable production systems. It is essential to raise awareness among farmers and support initiatives aiming to integrate these innovative practices into modern agriculture. By investing in agricultural biodiversity, we are creating a more resilient and sustainable future for agriculture and the environment.

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