Citrusseason 23/24

Another citrus season has come to an end. Before going into detail on the milestones achieved and lessons learned this season, we would like to thank you. Without you, Naranjas del Carmen could not continue to grow. Without people who care about agriculture, organic farming and fair working conditions, we would not be able to implement our agricultural social projects. 

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Thanks to a new variety, the Mioro clementines, we were able to start the last season earlier. Full of enthusiasm we harvested and shipped the first fruits by the end of October. The particularity was that some of the fruits were very green and reminded us more of a lime. Therefore, we focused on explaining to you why, despite the green skin, the pulp has a fruity and sweet taste. You can find a detailed blog post about this here. After the Mioro clementines followed our well-known Clemenules. Due to the lack of rain, the fruits were a bit smaller, as were the oranges.


We were able to harvest some fruit as early as the end of December. There were significantly fewer incidents during transport and we notice that we are learning and improving with each season. Teamwork is important and this is particularly evident in the fact that incidents are decreasing because we share your feedback with our teammates in the field and in the logistics center. Unfortunately, the end of the season was somewhat affected by Negrilla. Although this fungus does not affect the quality of the fruit, its appearance is, of course, strange. You can also find more information about Negrilla in this blog post. Letting fruit on the trees go to waste because it doesn’t meet the visual requirements of supermarkets? Unthinkable for us! That’s why we include information on each box about this black stain, which unfortunately has not simply been eliminated by the rain due to the drought. As drought is a very present issue in Spain, in April we were also able to take part in the “Europamagazin“. With our regenerative practices, our soils are more capable of storing water and we try to adapt to the changing environmental conditions as best we can.

Objectives for next season

As a farmer you never stand still. Trees, fields and animals need our support. Therefore, in the coming weeks we will take special care of the most sensitive young trees. The coming hot months will not be easy for them and we must make sure to improve their conditions as much as possible. 

In all fields we will check our tubing for sufficient water supply, because June is the crucial time for the growth of the new oranges. We expect to harvest our first clementines again from mid to late October.

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